Board Meetings

The Pauma Valley Community Services District holds public meetings each month. Notices serve as the agenda for the meeting. Approved minutes of each meeting can be found below. To view a calendar of upcoming meetings.
click here.In accordance with the requirements of California Government Code Section 54956, the District agendas are posted in two locations that are freely accessible to members of the public, in the main lobby of the District's Administrative office, and our District's website, not less than 72 hours prior to the meeting date and time. All public records relating to each agenda item, are included in the meeting packets posted to our website and are also available for public inspection at the office of the District Secretary, 33129 Cole Grade Road, Pauma Valley, California, during normal business hours.
To request a disability-related modification or accommodation regarding agendas or attendance, contact Marissa Fehling, at at least 48 hours before the meeting.